Selasa, 22 November 2011

Wow, 22,6% Adherents Teens Free Sex. what's going on?

We are thrilled with the results of surveys of the National Family Planning Coordinating Board Centre (BKKBN) in 33 provinces in 2008, which states that 63% of Indonesian teens have had sex before marriage. And that mencengangkannya again, approximately 22.6% of adolescents embracing free sex lifestyle.

Really scary! What if we can couple, eh turns 'former' people?! Sure, the results of the survey was 63% years 'jebot', just that the trend actually even go up instead of down.

The government is already doing a variety of actions, whether preventive or control nature. Various media sex information held, start the SMS consulting to seminars or sex counseling. Unfortunately, the media's impact is often paradoxical. Adolescents rather than the more wise in view sex, even heightens the tendency to have sex more freely.

Continue to mistake where dong? Important point, however, lies in the morality of our youth. The more complicated once we know teenagers prefer to adopt a western lifestyle 'in fact' free life style, including in terms of 'Esek Esek'. Yes, the solution multiply media moral sex is not just a medium of information. Also do not leave the religious approach, because there is no single religion in Indonesia which justifies free sex.

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